Friday, June 1, 2012

      A few weeks ago I received my Mission call.  I was called to the South Dakota Rapid City Mission.  I honestly feel like it is right to be there.  I know that I am being called here for a reason and that my life will change.  The wait has been long, but now I can count down the days on one hand.
      Five days.  Five days until my life changes for two years.  Five days of packing, cleaning, organizing, and farewell's.  I knew my mission was coming up, but it really didn't hit me till this morning.  Although I am nervous, I feel... Peace.  It's been a long journey and I am excited to take the next step.  Sure there will be things I will miss doing, but there will be so much gained and the experience will change who I am.
      My talk in Church has been done and I have been to the Temple and the experiences of both of those are just outstanding.  I've been reading more and studying a lot more too and I have been trying my best to speak kind words and love those around me.  My sleep schedule is changing, and my body is becoming stronger.  But I feel like I haven't even begun to prepare.  I just want to get out there and start my Mission life.  Part of me is scared, but the excitement and humble feelings are much more prominent. 
      Well, Today I get to clean out my room and start packing my bags so i'm going to hop to it.  I look forward to writing letters to my family and if anyone has any questions, I will try my best to answer them.  Keep strong and don't forget to love one another!  Elder Marsh.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh, I do work hard for my Mission Munnies!

     I work at a local Pizza Restaurant and let me tell ya, its been good to get some money for my mission!  I have always felt as though it was good I try to pay for my mission, or at least as much as I can, and let me tell you it has payed off!  Not only have I started saving more money, but it keeps me busy and helps me learn to deal with and overcome stress!  I'm so glad our Heavenly Father allows us to work and know its for the best!
     Well, as for my Mission related stuff... My papers just got to the Stake Pres., so know I've gotta meet with him this week to get them sent in!  Hopefully, I will get my call it three or four weeks and I'll keep my fingers crossed!  I was reading in 1st Nephi Chapter 2, Verse: 20 and I found a good quote that really stuck out to my position right now.  It reads:  "And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands."
     This scripture really made me think, and I applied it to myself as I felt needed.  What I got out of it is that the Lord has prepared a place for me to reside and teach the gospel unto his children!  I'm so excited to get my call and I know no matter where I go, the message is the same and the Lord will bless me and help his children be blessed!  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
    Ok, now to finish up... :) So, for all my followers, (and soon to be followers) farewell for now, and I hope to get a few more posts up before I get my call!  Bye for now!  -Michael Marsh

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mission Papers Handed In!

I handed in my mission papers on Sunday, and now the process begins...The Bishop hands them into the Stake President, then I have a interview with the Stake President.  Then he sends them electronically on to Salt Lake City, Utah to church headquarters.  Then they have a mission committee that will review my papers and determine where I will serve (by inspiration from God).   The Mission call  papers are then mailed out to me, and they usually come within 2-3 weeks from the time I meet with my stake president. So I am  am playing the waiting game and the "lets see how patient Michael can be" game.  I am very excited to serve the Lord and I will be happy serving where ever he wants me to serve.